How to Install HP DeskJet 2131 Printer Without CD?

When you buy an HP DeskJet 2131  printer, you get the printer installation CD along with it. But, if you want to know How to Install HP DeskJet 2131 Printer Without CD, this post can help you. Although every time you buy a new printer, you get the installation CD along with it.  Sometimes, the user does not have the installation CD  and in that situation, the user needs to download the printer drivers and software without a CD. In this post, we are going to share the simple step by step guidelines that can help you to install the HP DeskJet  2131 printer without a CD  on your device. So, read on and find the simple steps to complete the process. 


 Install HP DeskJet 2131 Printer Without CD: Steps to follow 

 If you do not have the printer installation CD and you want to download the printer software and drivers for your device, you can simply visit the HP official website and download the printer software and drivers. So, follow the on-screen guidelines to complete the process. 

The first and foremost thing you have to do is, turn on the HP  printer and make sure it is in the ready state. Get a USB cable for the connection. After that, follow the guidelines below: 


123 HP DeskJet 2131 Printer Software Installation From Web Browser 

 Connect your PC using the ports present in the printer rear. The USB Hub or Docking station must not be used in the ‘Direct Connection’. There are chances your USB cable is not providing you with enough power to perform the different functions of the printer. If you want to connect the USB cable to your computer, remove the device from all the ‘Installed Devices’. 

 Detach the USB cable from your printer during the printer installation process. 

 Download the Printer software and drivers from Now, you have to type the ‘Printer Model Number’ in the search field and hit the ‘Search’ button. You can select either the full-functioning software or the basic system drivers as per your preference.  HP recommends you to download the full-functioning features and advanced services to make your printing experience better. 

 In your Windows operating system. Find the ‘Devices and Printers’ option and then click on it. Or, you can go to the Settings and find the ‘Devices and Printers’ option from the Control Panel. Click on the ‘Remove Device’ option from the driver installation Menu. 

 Instructions to Complete the 123 HP DJ 2131 Driver Installation 

 Pick your HP DJ 2131 printer model and follow the onscreen guidelines to proceed with the process. Make sure that you follow the instructions carefully to avoid the occurrence of any error in the setup process. Find the ‘Drivers Download’ from the Download tab in the manufacturer menu. 

 Open the ‘Download File’ to begin the setup process. The USB option can be chosen for the setup process. If any problem in the installation process occurs, you need to check the operating system before you proceed. 

 Wrong driver installation issues can create the troubles. So, make sure that you download correct and full feature drivers for your device. 


Hopefully, after following these troubleshooting guidelines, you will know How to Install HP DeskJet 2131 Printer Without CD. These steps and instructions are very simple and easy to follow.  So, follow the steps carefully and complete the setup without any hassle. However, if you still have a doubt or there is any other trouble compromising your printer, we recommend you to contact the experts and seek their advice to find the most reliable solution to your problem. 



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